
We've had plenty of them today.
Every time Raya looks at this mishap:
She cries.  
And just so you know, she touched a night light, and it was lame.
She's pretty depressed about her finger, I think she thinks that her finger will never be normal again by the way she holds it and screams at the sight of it.  It's pretty sad, but after a day of frenzied hysteric emotions, your start to become a bit numb ... . ... 

It doesn't help that she also has these big'ins coming in:
Her incisors are really bothering her: rubbing her ears, biting her fingers ... well accept the blistered one.  Her gums have been bleeding around where the teeth are forcing their way through. My poor Raya.

Top it off with a cold and a rebruised forhead ... it's darker in person --
you have a very sad, and cranky (cranky) Raya.
These tears were because she ran out of fruit snacks.

and just a note.. these pictures were all taken within five minutes.  I do not follow my children around all day taking pictures of them crying.. ... though I could!


Kate Clayton said...

Poor Raya and poor Mommy! Hope tomorrow is a better day.

Keilah Palmer said...

Sounds like my day today. I'm so glad you posted this - it was a good reminder that I'm not the only one!

Lance and Melissa said...

Oh man poor girl.

Marilou said...

:( Sorry Raya!

Tarah said...

Oh no...just look at those tears. Those pictures are perfect. Love them. I love that you blog about things like this.

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