In the name of milk...Amen

We have a thing with our two year old being polite. We never let him have anything without first saying "May I have (insert object of desire here) please." It works really well, and even if he is throwing a fit he knows he has to calm down so he can say it otherwise hes not getting anything. Sometimes, however, he forgets. A lot of times it comes out "May I have please yes you may." I find it particularly amusing when he finishes with a "yes you may," which is how we respond when he has successfully delivered the password phrase. This morning though he wanted some milk. He already had milk in his cereal bowl but he wanted "milk in cup." "How do we ask?" "May I have yes you may." "May you have what?" "May I have......" "Have what?" "Milk in cup..." At this point he looks up at me obviously thinking I'm going to give him the cup of milk but I return a look of "keep going" "......Amen" I called it good and gave him the cup. It was all I could do to stop myself from laughing.


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