Horton Hears a Who!

Tonight we took Seth out to the movies...his first movie ever (well, he kind of went to see one of the Harry Potter movies but he was only 6 months old and just slept through it). Rachael and I loaded the kids up into our bike trailer and we all biked into the Audian....1 dollar tickets for Rachael and myself with both kids free...you can't beat that. Well the bike ride in was fine (except when Rachael got mad that I took the kids into traffic, like I'm gonna be hit!) and we got to the theater perfectly on time. As soon as the previews started Seth was completely enthralled. The first preview was for the newest Ice Age movie and I could right away Seth was unnerved by the size of the squirrel on the screen. Then as the squirrel landed on a dinosaur and the dinosaur roared Seth literally jumped in his seat and yelled "Ahhhh!" He was close to tears at that point and then turned to me and said "Thats a tyrannosaurus rex.....not scary." He was pretty jumpy for the first 20-30 minutes of the start of the movie but it was pretty tame so he eventually got used to the bigness of a movie theater screen. He really enjoyed the movie and was talking about the "elephant movie" all the way home. I think that is how movies should be...something you can take your kids to and only spend 2 dollars on the whole event (we didn't even use any gas and got a workout). Levi was fussy at first but he fell asleep and slept through most of the movie until Vlad (bad Vlad, not Vlad the bunny that gives you cookies) swooped down and attacked Horton trying to steal his flower. He awoke with a start but was fine for the rest of the movie. The bike ride home was really nice too. Pullman was really quiet today and we had a nice tailwind.


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