Ode to Autumn

Well, it's long overdue for an update on our family... we missed almost an entire season! So here's some highlights of our fall thus far :)
Doesn't Levi have a great poutie face?
PUDDLES!! We have the hugest puddles in our drive way.. lets see how fun that will be in the snow Jeff says that I shouldn't match make when they're this young, but its hard when they're so cute. They were eating the rewards from apple picking.Levi and Aydrey tooThis is Jeff with his "manly" beard. Part of the manly man competition. THANK GOODNESS IT'S GONE! I should put up a picture of the bag of hair that we saved for the weighing in. If you want further details you can ask.And this is a picture of Jeff minutes from falling of the ladder. Oh, those plums are just too tempting.
This is the farmer's field behind our house. The boys like to play in the field after its been harvested.Seth the Astronaut.

Levi the Alien.

Happy Birthday LEVI!!!And here are a few summer pictures.. Levi playing in our blue sand sandbox,

and Sethy in the sprinklers. ...


Child of God said...

Rachel that was so fun. I love the pictures. Seth and Levi with Sharene's girls are so cute. Come on Raelle and Seth have the same demeanor, they are perfect for each other. Love the picture of Levi in the blue sand box.

Erin said...

Wow. Amazing photos, Rach

Roamoff said...

Thanks for the Christmas letter. I'm always anxious to see what new witticism you weave into it.

Love you all.

Uncle Rodger

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