Raya Raspberry

Also known as Raya Paya, Sweet Girl, and Baby Girl (voiced in a rap fashion). The first thing people notice about Raya are her cheeks: She's like a little basset hound, I believe her cheeks droop lower than her chin. Ah, she's so cute. If you haven't guessed, this post is about Raya -- more importantly she turned 3 months today! After people notice how large she is, they next notice her smile. and spit: now you know why we call her Raya Raspberry :P -- 3 months: She's excessively playful, if you put your hand on her face she'll try and attack it. She knows the word "kiss" -- if you ask her "Raya can I have a kiss?" She'll smile and open her mouth wide and wait for you to kiss her. She has so many emotions, I don't know what to do -- she can fluctuate from happy to sad to distressed -- she can scream! like she will get startled and do a little jumpy scream. I don't think our boys have ever screamed like Raya has at 3 months. Incredible, boys and girls really are different.


Child of God said...

She does have pretty droopy checks. She looks so much like Levi in those photos.

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