feeding a family of five

Grocery shopping has turned into quite the sporting event for me. With arms full extended, pushing a fully laden 200+ pound cart around undiscerning people and tight corners, it's a workout!  

At the beginning of the month I like to stock up my pantry and go to Winco. Winco doesn't have baggers, instead it has two conveyors so one custumor can bag their own groceries while another customer is starting the checkout process.  

I fully loaded both conveyor lanes tonight.  The cashier actually helped me bag (which I've never seen done) because there was no room for the next customer's food. After several (several) minutes she was able to help the next person in line... and as he came to bag his groceries (don't worry I was still slaving away) he asked me if I needed any help out to my car.  I guess I looked like I needed  help....

And, The grande finale of my grocery escapade closed with a bewildered looking lady rushing towards me in the parking lot; I had forgotten the ground mustard. Oh ground mustard, do I really need you anyways?

Last thought: How much food will my family consume once the kids are teenagers???


Mrs.Goates said...

You are a brave woman! I never know how to feel about the pity looks I get from people as I wield my over stocked cart, plus two kids. And I've totally given up on the car carts - that is insane once you fill it full of groceries and then have two kids hanging out the front. And I've got one word for you once you get to teenage years. Costco. Oh maybe two more - Flatbed Cart

Child of God said...

I always feel put on the spot at Winco while bagging and paying and tending children. But I always think, "are you blind don't you see I need help?"

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