Valentine's Day Party

The cards:
The Shrits:

 The helpers:
I don't know what has happened, but I've been really crafty lately.  In the last month I've knitted 10 hats + some accessories, made a stack of birthday cards, painted my bathroom cabinets white,currently priming my bathroom for painting, started a blog book, made posters for various activities in Church, THIS MONTH HAS FLOWN BY.  and I'm glad, I loathe winter.

And latest project was helping with the Playgroup Valentine Party --

and kids are crying... another scattered blog post :)


Tarah said...

Look at you go! Busy busy busy. Boy, I sure miss playgroup. Looks like it was a lot of fun though!

Tarah said...

Oh, and can I just say that I love Seth's shirt. Classic.

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