
I'm so behind.

We are ending the summer with a bang!  We've had a full day everyday this week... Here are some things I should have blogged about

Mon: Pool/Picnic/3 playdates
Tues: Boyer Park
Wed: Concert in the Park/Metal Stamping
Thur: Biking/Ferdinands/Friends
Fri: WSU Soccer/Lentil Festival Street Fair


We have been gearing up for Levi to start Montessori this week, we met his teacher on Wednesday and had a tour of his class.  Today it was an introductory class; he went to class for two hours.  He is so excited. The moment Ms. Jane opened the classroom door he walked straight inside and didn't even look back.  I had to coerce him to give me a hug and kiss goodbye!  He was so focused.  He is so ready.  I am excited for this new phase!  And I am excited for the new relations and activities this year at Montessori will take us.

I'll do a picture dump later.

I just wanted to write and remember this moment; Montessori marks a major transitional time of independence.  He is going to grow and learn a lot this year.  I can hardly wait :))


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