
I'm getting behind on my blog ... already.

1st) -- Friday night the kids had a sleep over at Todd and Rachel's!! (whooohooo!)  Words cannot descirbe the utter bliss of not fighting kids to go to sleep, and waking up on your own.

Also, Jeff and I got to pretend we were college students (well, Jeff still is...) and went to a "Shadow Puppet Experience" -- it was interesting.  Levi could have written a better story, but I enjoyed watching an emerging medium of entertainment, and supporting WSU arts. -- Besides the fact we were kid-less and walking around campus on a warm night is heavenly.

So, there's that.


Today I have used 3 different paint brushes, 5 different paints, 2 spray paints, a saw, crow bar, sand paper, 2 silhouette vinyl, my camera...

And now I am knitting.

And I am driving Jeff crazy with all my projects :)


Mrs.Goates said...

Isn't funny how our dream vacations change over the years... Ah well.

Haven't checked your blog for a while - I can't believe how much all your kids have grown up! Oh my gosh, I wish I could see Raya. I'm sure she is just adorable to be around.

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