Funny faces and a funny story

So... Seth sat at the dinner table for an hour and a half tonight. Mind you, we did not force him to, he could have left his plate and the table. The agreement was made: he needed to finish his soup before he got any ice cream! So he sat, and while he sat the rest of us did this:
Levi loves being Raya's horsie
Finally we gave Seth just five more minutes, and then we were going to clean up the rest of dinner. Homemade chicken noodle soup, and homemade bread -- poor kid. Such tantrums have never been seen. "Sethy, you need to calm down, or I'm going to put you back in the tub!" Yes, I composed such a sentence -- I had a moment, an insane moment, but a moment nonetheless, where I found myself in a parental situation and was like, "when did I get to this point in my life? Do I really have a four year old screaming for ice cream?". We had to dress Sethy in the bathtub because he was heaving and had already thrown up once. Maybe not so funny to some, but Jeff had a hard time staying composed -- ridiculous situations always make him giggle Seth has a melt down like once every 6 months, I consider myself lucky. But man does he ever get mad!


Child of God said...

yeah he is a pretty amazing kid. I love Levi's long(er) hair. Jeff and I find ourselves laughing inwardly at the wrong time when we should be parenting. Its just so funny sometimes.

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