Um, I think not.

I've heard people say, "It only gets busier when they get older." Pshhh. 

When they're older they can wipe their own bums and tie their own shoes, dress themselves, feed themselves.  I have three <4.  It's busy, and has been busy. This isn't a whine post, I just really truly believe I'm at the busiest stage in my life (in regards to family).  And I believe I'm nearing the peak though and that the coming years will be less busy and not so maniacally-laughing stressful.  

I wanted to write down our schedule for this fall/winter for posterity (AHEM SETH AND LEVI, but mainly Seth).

6:30 Wake up
8:00 All dressed and fed, house cleaned for the day (on a good day).
8-10:00 Is my time where I just hang out with the kids, I usually read books, color or build legos with them.

Monday: 10:10 Swimming lesson/Swim Playgroup (yes I take all three swimming by myself),  
              12:30  Montessori  Drop Off, 3:30 Pick Up             

Tuesday: 9:00ish PS I love You (mom's group), 12:30 DO, 3:30 PU
Wednesay: 10:10 Swimming lesson, 12:30 DO, 3:30 PU
Thursday: 10:00 Library hour, 12:30 DO, 3:30 PU
Friday:  We occasionally go to the Science Center or to a Play Group I helped organize, 12:30 DO, 3:30 PU

12:30 - 3:30 While Seth is at school I put Raya down for a nap, I have a bit of down time, Levi gets to watch Reading Rainbow probably, and I have some one-on-one time with Levi while Raya is taking her afternoon nap, clean.

3:40-4:10 Read more books, let them ride bikes, be out side
4:20 Clean house start dinner.

Saturday: 9:00 Swimming Lesson, 10:45 Soccer 
Sunday: 11:00 Church


Mrs.Goates said...

Everytime I want to complain about how much we have going on, I think - "wow, Rachael Ritter does so much more and better than me. I can do this!" Your kids better take note, and have you canonized ;)

Child of God said...

After watching my older sister with her three children. I have to say I think it does get busier. A lot busier. I just got Evalie into preschool, 3x a week for 2 hours a day. I have nothing else do to in my life right now except the kids and the house, and I actually thought to myself, I don't know if I can make this kind of commitment. Wow, I can't believe I thought that.

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