It's been a while...

Raya is 15 months! .. but before the update: look at these boys.  I was making dinner while they were playing with play dough at the dinner table and I laughed every time I looked up from cooking.
ok, Raya: I get an eighties hair-band vibe from this photo:
 To me it seems that children go in waves in learning, where all of a sudden they just explode with new skills. Raya is there.  Raya is "talking" -- she sounds like an ewok .. but she talks constantly.  She has a lot to inform the world, and has the pointiest little index finger to direct with too.  But I'm starting to hear mini sentences from her jibber jabber.  She loves to play peak-a-boo and I can hear a slurred, "Where's Raya" when she wants you to play peak-a-boo with her.  I love that Raya doesn't just cry when she wants something -- she'll cry and roll the high chair too you and then point to the seat.  She knows what she wants and she'll tell you! I really do love that about her.
Words she says: mama, daddy, grandma, dog, cat, bird, duck, blanket, banana, book, more, bye, hi, shoes, car, baby, Raya, .... you can tell she tries to say other words but they're not as distinguishable .. like "Seth" and "Levi."
Signs she knows: more, baby, all-done, please, thank-you, cat, bird, book, ball, banana.
Raya can also follow directions, she loves putting things in the trash (training them young!), she'll run, dance,sit when you ask her.  Really, Raya can basically understand anything we say to her (that happens on a daily basis). ie.  Lets go get our shoes, lets go, we need to change your diaper, be careful, uh-oh, lets go to the playroom, lets read a book, where's your spoon, lets brush our teeth, run Raya! Get Daddy! etc.  She hears, understands and does.
 Her favorite toy is the stool.  She loves to sit and stand on it and will carry a stool all around the house.

 Raya loves to dance and sing, she's an entertainer and will perform on command (something the boys never, ever, ever, ever did) She loves legos, books, cars, babies, wrestling, cuddling, her blanket (a lot). Dress-up! She's been getting really into putting on her tutu or hats, shoes, she pretends random toys are jewelry.  She's a lot of fun.

Random picture: Levi, this is how he comes in from playing for dinner.  He definitely has his own style.  He's always had an artistic musicianist flair to him.


Mrs.Goates said...

Too fun Rachael. I love the leg warmers - and I love Raya. What a cute kid! Joycie is the same way - she knows what she wants and she's not shy about making sure you know what she wants. And anytime she's in trouble - she gives me these looks like - "You know you're in the wrong right?" Thanks for the update, I needed a Ritter fix.

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