Retrograde blogging

I'm feeling a little under the weather today ... so why not blog eh?  There are a couple moments that I've been meaning to capture.

Once a month Seth brings a snack to Montessori, and on his snack day he is able to bring one thing to show his class.  Typically it has been a favorite book that he will read to the class ... well, he wanted to bring his favorite blanket so he packed it away snugly in his backpack.  When I came to pick him up from school that day his teacher Mr. Adam (who is fantastic! and Seth idolizes) came up to me laughing ... apparently Seth showed the class everything  in his backpack including: his blanket, a book, baby bear, a pencil, a drawing and his underwear.  Yep, Seth nonchalantly displayed a pair of his lightning McQueen underwear as part of his show in tell. His classmates apparently thought they were really nice. Later I figured out why there were a pair of underwear in his backpack.  I had put underwear in the small compartment of the backpack for backups while Levi was potty training!  I wonder how many other forgotten pieces are hiding?

Swimming!  Both the boys have finished up for the semester and they did great!!! Like really, they are awesome.   Levi moved up to the next level even though he's just barely three years old and will start learning how to float on his own and whatnot. His instructor was surprised and impressed at how comfortable he was in the water and at how well he follows instructions.  I love that my kids are so ready to learn. ... and Seth improved so much in his class that he's almost completed the gator level.  That probably doesn't mean much to you so I'll go over some of the stuff that he's learned: streamline glide front and back, kicking w/alternate breathing, intro to elementary backstroke legs, sculling 5 yards, overarm recovery for front and back crawl, elem. back stroke arms, reverse direction while swimming on front and back. -- as much as we have all enjoyed swimming it's nice to have a break!

Seth's talk in Church.  So apparently a lot of people were impressed with Seth's talk given during the primary presentation. Like I've had around 15-20 people come up and talk to me afterwards, whether it be for advice or to just share their amazement.  But ... I mean I've said frequently that Seth's reading level is like a 1st-2nd grade .... but maybe it's more? I don't know, now I'm even more concerned about Seth starting Kindergarten. And what if I told you that my little Levi is reading three letter words.... ahh, it's stressful. Anyways, Seth did great during his talk ... I love how he reads stories, that he is confident to put emphasis in places where needed, that he was confident to look at the audience while he talked.  He's amazing.  I was more impressed with his stage presence.

What else... I have bangs, that's big news right?  Usually I regret it, but I love them.

Last night we went to a friend's surprise birthday party.  The kids were doing really well in the dark, waiting for the surprisee. The doorknob turns, the door opens .. in runs their dog,
Raya: "DOG!"
The rest of us: "Surprise..."
She may have given it away.

Also, we had family pictures taken a while ago:


Carolyn said...

Soooo cute! Seth never ceases to amaze! You are doing such a great job and setting such a great example. :)

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