One Cute Kindergartner

Seth's first day of school!
When I picked him up today, he looked like he had been stunned.  
I think he'll survive though, at least he has Peter.
They were holding hands as they left the classroom to be dismissed... I don't think either of them wanted to be out of the other's sight.

Random cuteness: Raya my budding photographer ... and she wanted to wear a tie to Church too.
 cCute kids walking in the Lentil Parade: -- I didn't get to see Levi and Seth biking in the Parade since I stayed back and walked with Raya, but later reports say that Levi was quite a spectacle (and nearly biffed it several times) 
That kid is crazy on his push bike.

Last Hurrah

There were a little over 20 kids over at my house today... nothing like one last hurrah for summer before school starts!
 I had kids in the sprinklers, pool, sandbox, playroom, bike riding, playing with chalk -- and the favorite of the day playing with water balloons.  They were everywhere! (And I loved it :)) -- Why don't I do this more often?  

I love that the 1-2 year olds congregated at the sandbox...
 Cute Dixon fam.
 Me and my beautiful girl... seriously how did I get so lucky?  I couldn't think of a more perfect daughter.

Thanks for the fun everyone! -- tomorrow... Seth's first day of Kindergarten....

A start

It was Jeff's first day of school (again).  
This school year should be much more enjoyable than last year ... Jeff is completely done with classes and doesn't have to TA, so now he can completely focus on his research... and also have a more flexible schedule (which I'm sure I'll be taking advantage of more than I should be...)
 It was Seth's Kindergarten orientation tonight, all my reservations from switching from Sunnyside to Jefferson were quickly diminished. 
 It is such a beautiful school!
Jeff and I walked hand in hand as Seth led the way to his new school.  Excitement, Apprehension, Curiosity -- he walked with his arms wrapped tightly together -- you could tell he was bottled with varying and extreme emotions.  
Seth's apprehension didn't last long -- especially when he saw the poster for the chess club. It was all excitement from then on out.  He looked around his class with excitement, pointing and hollering at us to look at things from across the room as he zigged and zagged from one side of the classroom to the other. He was excited to meet his teacher, and the shoe cubbies, and the lockers, and that Peter was in his class, and the orderliness of the pencils and crayons.  He.Loved.Every.Sight.
A tour of the school was given by students at Jefferson, and I was so impressed with each classroom -- It was immaculate.
Of course... being Jeff's son .... he had to test every water fountain he saw:
They were all in well working order.
It's so exciting... and a little emotional ... but really, -- it's exciting.

spew (that's the term I use when there is excessive rambling in writing) ahem: spew post.

For some reason I haven't been taking a lot of pictures... probably because we have been so busy loving this summer sunshine! -- Yesterday our day was like this: Science Center/Kruegal Park/Rory's house/Boyer Park/Bike ride to the Lentil Festival.  Minimum time is spent indoors when the sun is out.

Funny moments at the Lentil Festival street fair:
First I want to say Pullman is awesome.  Ok, I got that out -- There was a giant inflatable obstacle course for the kids to race in.  Seth was on one side Levi on the other.  Levi got stuck on the climbing wall so I had to go in after him... there were people in the crowd saying, "Oh, there goes mom." It was so funny going through the course with Levi.  He's kind'of a flopper -- like once I helped him up the climbing wall he didn't look to see that it fell like 4 feet -- he just flopped and bounced on his stomach, "Levi are you ok??!" -- "Yeaaaahhhh!" -- then there were other things to maneuver around -- it was just a funny experience to share with him.

Raya proved problematic at the inflatable jump house castle, when her time was up to get out she adamantly refused!  "No, I jump more.  No, I more jump." -- Jeff went in after her to pull her out....

A picture of Seth should be on the National Lentil Festival's website -- he is all decked out in a kid size fire fighter suit.


This morning we walked/biked in the Lentil Parade as part of the "Little Sprouts parade."  It was a lot of fun... and Seth and Levi were so excited to ride their bikes with other kids. Raya was excited to see Kharisma, seriously those two girls are so cute together -- there were lots of "Awwes... and Oh look at those two."

It was an exciting time after the parade, it was Seth's first time riding around Pullman on his bike -- like on streets.  I am really liking this new stage in life. 

Since Seth was biking on his own, Levi got to ride with me on the attachment.  He is the funniest kid!! Down Davis Way he whoops the whole way down and giggles hysterically when we go over bumps.  He is always saying things like, oh I can't even put it into Levi's unique syntax, but he would tell me to go down steep hills into the river, or drive into mounds of dirt.  I love having Levi on the attachment he keeps me laughing.

At the festival we saw the raptor club's demonstration, a comedic juggler, and the "Noise Guy."  The kids also got to bounce on another bounce house.  There were thousands of lady bugs out and it was hot -- it was a good day.
I didn't even blog about the week that I stayed at my-in-laws.  I was basically lazy and knitted a lot. The kids had so much fun, they think Grandma and Grandpa's house is magical, it's probably their favorite place with two of their favorite people.  Some moments that stand out from that trip: 

When Raya first saw Todd getting out of his car she squealed and started running down the driveway to meet him; pig tails bouncing, arms open, yelling: "Todd! Todd! Todd!" -- I thought it was incredibly cute.

Levi got two bloody noses in one day -- one from a frisbee in the face, the other from crashing his bike with Seth's.  It was a little scary because I thought he potentially had a concussion since he threw up after wards... it was really bad. 

Seth found a big cat's program on the (I think) the Discovery Channel -- he was in Heaven.

Funny kids.

"Levi... do you know I love you?"
"You have already told me this Leonardo Da Vinci!"

Raya's made up words: "dra-dra" is "grandma," "wabble" is "blanket," "be-ah-ba" is "water bottle"

Jeff is sleeping on the living room floor (typical) -- Raya comes over with a book, "Daddy! Wake up!" thwack 

Jeff was trying to prove a point to Seth, that sometimes when people try to explain things they simplify points; so what people tell you might not always be 100% accurate.

Seth proudly states, "No, that never happened in Montessori!"
"Well, Seth, I don't know about that -- so, for example, what shape is the Earth?" -- Jeff was expecting Seth to say that the Earth was shaped like a sphere ... and hoping to use that as an example as something that is simplified when taught.

"Well, it-ah, it's like a ball that has been gently squished in the middle..."
Jeff is speechless for a moment, "Touche Seth, point well taken."

Looking on the bright side.

Typically I consider myself a fairly flexible person, but this change in Seth's school schedule has been leaving me stressed. I thought Seth would be attending AM Kindergarten at Sunnyside Elementary-- so for the last month I've been planning the kids' upcoming activities with that in mind.  Last week we received a letter that Seth will be attending PM Kindergarten at Jefferson Elementary.  -- K, now things have gotten a bit more complicated, since I now will have to take Seth to programs that are geared for younger audiences (when I thought he would be in school...) and now I am responsible for picking him up and dropping him off every day (Montessori re-run -- awful). I really wish he could attend AM Kindergarten... Jeff could then easily take him to school... ok, ok, the "bright side."

-Jefferson was named a "School of Distinction" -- top 3% in WA
-It has orchestra
-Seth is really excited (like he mentions it 10x a day) about being in chess club.  (I love Seth)
-Seth's good friend from Montessori will be in his class.... and this good friend also happens to be exceptionally smart.  Which will be good for Seth to have someone to hang out with.

School, soccer, violin, swimming, library....Life is going to get really busy in.... oh like 5 days.

Levi the brave

Levi went to the doctors for a small procedure... (it was to get a wart removed)... we decided to get it frozen since it was so deep (and we kept forgetting to put the drops on it ... (bad parent's award)).  The doctor was in awe of Levi and repeatedly stated that we have a "Great kid," "Tough kid," "Amazing kid," that he did better than most teenagers -- I was impressed that the doctor was impressed... since he is a veteran's veteran of doctors -- he looks like he is 80 -- so he has had a lot of patients.

Levi is quite tough though... didn't want to sit on the table, didn't want to sit in my lap, didn't want to even hold my hand, he was just completely focused on what needed to be done -- no flinching or noise with the razor or the freezing, which the doctor said feels like a 15 minute bee sting.  Anyways, Levi is, as the another adjective the doctor used, a "trooper."

iheartfaces| Beautiful Eyes

Meet my beautiful daughter Raya.
For more Beautiful Eyes entries check out:

You're crazy

Guess who is driving across the state.... with three kids, five and under.... all by herself .... 7 hour long road trip... in about 40 minutes?

Worth a shot...

♥  this necklace.

With all my heart

I love this girl.
"Cookie!" (Gives me an affirmative head nod).  "I eat a cookie, yah!"
If you give Raya a glass of milk.... she'll want a cookie to go with it.

Raya miraculously reached, pulled and lifted our cookie jar from the counter... and made herself comfortable.
 (you can see in the background a stool and our large, blue, heavy cookie jar on the floor).
  Jeff is right... I'm a big softy when it comes to Raya; there is no way I can discipline her.