It's Levi's birthday tomorrow (!!) -- so I thought I better upload pictures to make way for the birthday festivities coming up... I have to admit I was a bit surprised at how many pictures I actually had, a family can do a lot in five days.
Some general cuteness: While Seth was at school I took Raya and Levi to the craft fair -- doesn't Levi look studly?? He took the picture of me below -- and Raya likes to wear her helmet... a lot, and go up the slide the wrong way... I pick and choose my battles.
The long awaited chess club began!! Seth was so thrilled. To the right is Seth winning his first game :)
Last Saturday we went to two soccer games and a birthday party... all before 12:00. It was Levi's last practice.. he loved being a goalie, and Seth loved coaching him from behind the goal.
Raya loved stepping on my feet, "Mom, Mom, Mommy!"
... I love it ... she's my little shadow :)
Seth's game: He was team captain and lead the group in stretches. Seth loves being a goalie... Seth's coach is always telling him he is a natural goalie... and mentioned to me last practice he should play hockey. -- High pain tolerance and extremely focused.... I guess that does fit the description of a hockey player, but I think we'll stick with soccer.
Ali's Birthday party: Cute kids in cute costumes... the boys were "soccer players" since we came straight from their games.
The boys' first "concert" ! -- It was a neat experience for them to see children playing solos, and joining in at the end with their box violins, practicing their rhythms to "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star."
I think I know what I'm getting Seth for his birthday.... his first time on a skateboard and I think he did pretty well.
I love fall... and this little girls' face. She loved throwing leaves at me :)
This is what these two do during Seth's soccer practice. I love that Raya already has a biking buddy.
Halloween party! My Paul Bunyans and Babe the blue ox:
Seth lost his second tooth!
... I'm pretty sure that was like 12 posts in one... whew!
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