boom boom let me hear you say wayo

Sorry, random song in my head... (it may be past my bedtime... or the bedtime that I should have if I ever actually kept one).

ahem... Jeff turned 28!

We watched the Apple Cup for his birthday... which luckily coincided with his parents buying a new 65" tv....  It was a treat for Jeff to actually watch  a game instead of listening it to the radio. (He's a very dedicated fan).  It was a treat for me not having to listen to those idiotic commercial jingles.  (tap tap -- mike check:  ...we're Meyers auto rebuild and towing, where service is no accident! .... everyone knows the place to go Deranleaus appliance, audio... video.)

Lets see I'll just list what's in the pictures: ... football pizza, football cheeseball... apples slices, coug colored chips, cheese cake, I made cougar shirts (go cougs) oh.. and Jeff opening his gift certificate for SKY DIVING.  He said he's never been so surprised.  (I know, I'm a good wife)... (but that's only because he's a good husband) .... Happy birthday Jeff!


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