Last Sunday... Arbor day! -- We went on a bike ride around Pullman and then attended the arbor day celebration ... free food and free trees, sunny day.
On our way home we stopped off at Sunnyside Park to play tennis.
Wednesday -- went bowling with friends
Thursday -- Seth's last soccer game. It was pouring rain by the end!!
They didn't cancel because it was the last one of the season.
Huge puddles in the field.
It made for a memorable last game :)
Seth is so focused on the game, even when he is not playing he is pacing the side lines watching his team mates, reenacting kicks and blocks he would do if he was playing on the field.
Rae and Levi were happy to play in the rain, riding their bikes and eating doughnuts
Randoms: Rae and her babies, she is such a good mamma bear :) -- Rae and her rock-et ship -- I thought she was clever. Everything is funner on the trampoline ... soccer, basketball, hockey, cars. The kids spend hours a week on the trampoline.
Saturday: 18 mile bike ride to Moscow.
We passed through the farmer's market
Looked over bike fest
Unintentionally celebrated Cinco De Mayo at La Casa Lopez.
Seth biked the whole way! -- and we had a nasty head wind on the ride back to Pullman
Levi biked 4 miles! -- 2 of which were with the head wind. Seriously, I can't believe he could keep up on his little single speed bike.
Seth's dress rehearsal
Kids went to bed; Babysitter came; Jeff and I went to a concert

Now.. to start Sunday.
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