Sleepless in Sea.. uh... Pullman

So... I guess I'll see Jeff like next Tuesday.  On top of papers, finals and presentations for school, Jeff is doing a poster for some conference this weekend... which means, he needs to present his poster all weekend and go to a bunch of lectures and dinners.  Soo.... I might be blogging more than usual :) -- I do want to mention that Jeff really is amazing and makes sure he is here for family time between 5:00ish- 7:00... Just this week and a half he'll be leaving after the kids go to bed and staying in his office until 2:00 am (not an exaggeration).  I hope he doesn't just drop while he's standing, he looked pretty tired today.. poor guy, he really does work from the moment he wakes up (6:30) until he goes to bed... which will be more like tomorrow morning.  -- oh well, life of a college student.

So... onto more entertaining subjects, My kids! (What else is this blog about?)

 I've been looking at this little girl a lot lately, trying to burn into my memory how she is like now, because I know she's going to be changing dramatically within the next few weeks.  She's becoming so active, squirmy is a better word, I think that her baby rolls will be disappearing ... well maybe not soon, but they wont be increasing :)  SO, a documentation. I want to remember how chubby my babies are.

 You see those teeth coming in? Pretty soon her gummy smile will be gone.

ahh... how chunky can a baby be?!

Some thoughts...
I've been in a very reflective mood lately.  Life, the universe, beginnings, endings, family.  Parenting is really the only topic I think will fit my audience (all 30 of you :P)

I've been asked frequently, maybe not in this exact wording, "How are you children so good, what do you do?"

When I  became a mother I didn't set out to really create Stepford children, I feel like I've always had an extra dose of common sense and in reflection I can see how certain things I (and Jeff) have done to create totally amazing children.

First, tell them that they're amazing! How much better would your life be if you were told EVERYDAY that you were ... amazing, wonderful, beautiful, smart, hardworking, can't imagine my world with out you, I just want to squish you you're so cute, the absolute best. I can confidently say that I am my children's biggest fan and I let them know, EVERYDAY. Seriously, I don't get why parents harp on their children (what good comes of it), why is it ok to say that they're terrible? (ahem.. terrible twos) And even if they are cranky, it doesn't mean that you should publicly point it out... and they can hear you.  Ah! drives me crazy.  ... and besides the fact your children are a reflection of you.

anyways, now that I got that pet peeve off my chest... I'll stop now before a write a novel.

I have a list in my head ... respecting your children (talking to them like an equal), never yelling, reading to them, playing with them, laughing with them, being honest (I really don't think I can do the tooth fairy). I can't believe how much I love being a mom.  I seriously never would have guessed, and I am sure many people who knew me as a young woman are in awe as well.


Kelli Dixon said...

What a good idea to document Raya like that... I think I need to do that for Kharisma because it's true, they change so fast!

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