Birthday pictures and general cuteness

Seth came home from school with this shield he made for Levi, he's such a thoughtful brother, and I really like his owl:
 Too many cooks in the kitchen! ... but it's fun.  Cookies take A LOT longer to make, but it is worth it:

 My birthday! 
 I love this picture. The boys crawling all over me.  Levi with his foot propped up on Seth. Seth wearing a random skull and cross bones hat? Boys wearing randomness.  Raya opening my presents. Me with a look of exasperation. This is us, and I love it. 
 I wanted strawberry short cake for my birthday... I think I'm longing for summer... four more months (bleck.)
 I have the most beautiful daughter.
 and he's not bad either! 
 I'll take them :) they're so cute!


Starlie and Nate Schmutz said...

that picture of them all over IS way cute. that was cool to see you and jeff new years! Happy Birthday!

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