Wrapping it up

Miscellaneous sleigh ride picture... I just find it comical, I mean c'mon we're in a giant red sled like it's a normal thing to pose in:

And as I had mentioned before... like five posts ago, we had three birthday parties over a week and a half.  Seth's, then Jane's, then my young women's leader from back in the day! It was also a combined New Year's Eve party. It was nice seeing some old friends and some of my amazing yw leaders:

And... I can't believe I didn't get a picture of Jane's birthday.  Jeff and I made her a chocolate cake and met with the rest of the family to go out to eat for dinner.  We're excited to go whale watching with her this summer! (Our gift to her... She's wanted to go whale watching since as long as I've known her ... like nine years... and I'm sure she's wanted to go long before that... so we decided to get the ball rolling!)

Also... Levi. Levi, Levi, Levi. It's a shame he is so shy in public, because he really is the funniest kid and people don't even realize it. Short story:

For Christmas Eve we attended the Catholic Mass, "Midnight Mass" at 10:00 p.m.  -- Most of you know my kids go to bed routinely at 7:00 p.m.  Suffice it to say they were exhausted (and Seth was a bit overwhelmed and was crying by the end).  Seth couldn't fall asleep, but Levi did... He found the only cushioned area available... the padded kneeler in front of the pews. There he lay: sprawled out, preventing people from kneeling during the prayer portion of the service.


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