I have a five year old.

It has become a tradition in our family to make fun pancakes on the kids' birthday.  This year Seth requested a tiger .. and I just want to add, look how smashing Seth looks! Can you tell he dressed himself? :)
 Also its tradition to make fun birthday cakes, here are the boys ready to bake in their new chef outfits!

... and this is what Raya was up to while the cooks were busy .... this gift was intended for her babies ....
 Later that day we went to the bowling alley... this picture is outside of the bowling alley. Don't you just dig the purple?
 Raya really liked bowling...

 Seth had so much fun, and by the end he was bowling without assistance. (This was the first time we've taken  the kids bowling)
 The kids looked so cute in bowling shoes.
 Cake time!
 An unusually super silly Seth, he's so cute :)
 A book!
 A telescope!
 Bow in hand from uncle Todd and aunt Rachel. Cute homemade gifts from aunt Amanda and aunt Jessica.  Baby bear has been demoted by tiger.  That's a pretty big deal.
Thanks everyone!


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