Another play date and grievances.

I'm starting to the get itch for Jeff to be done with school... I am content, and grateful for where we live... but after spending the morning at a friends' house with 33 acres... and going on a walk around their pond... I'm longing for space and a more settled home.

We were lucky that we caught the sunshine, the boys were able to run around outside, finding sticks, kicking snow, (peeing in the snow) ... being wild and free.  It was so quiet -- I loved it. A lot.

Oh life as a graduate student....  This week I have barely seen Jeff.  I know he's around because there are still remnants of him... dishes, eaten food, laundry etc.  He is kind'of like a mouse. -- but I feel for him, he is going to drop any second from exhaustion, he has been up before I am to go to work, and doesn't come back until I'm asleep... yesterday it was 3 am.

Can you empathize why my friends' home appeared so romantic?


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