Bike Camp.

I have been helping a friend with his bike camp for the last two days... 
14 kids age ranging from 5-12 ... 
(then when you add my kids 2-12.)

Today we biked at the skate park... biked to the bears ... up Grimes Way ... Ferdinands .... WSU Art Museum... Campus ...
then back to the skate park.

16 kids.
2 adults.

It was a beautiful day ... we tell ourselves we are building future bikers..... and... 
of course hope that they don't dart off into the street so they will see that bright-beautiful- biking future ;)

Here are some of the kids eating ice cream at Ferdinands:
Can I just tell you, the kids are having the time of their lives! and I love being apart of this fun group!

And I'll say one more things.  My kids are rockstars.

Levi gets bonus points today -- He kept up with (median age) eight year olds on a single speed  bike!!! He has to peddle 4x harder, and he wasn't even last, in the line of kids.  ... and it was his first time biking on his bike on the streets.  Typically he is on the add-a-bike with me, but today I tried out the bike trailer with Rae.

Rae biked at the skate park with the group.... seriously the cutest thing watching my 2 year old girl doing jumps.  She is the youngest member of 3FBC! She tried out the half-pipe today (assisted).

Seth is mild mannered... but his energy is un-extinguishable. He swam for an hour at swim team... then went right into biking for four hours ... when he gets home he asks if he can run on the tread mill or lift weights. ...

Rockstars! It's fun being their mom :)

And... these were also on my phone:

Sometimes... (ok all the time) .. Raya is unbearably cute.
The end.


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