my goal

to take more pictures.

Summer is so full and bright and warm. I want to remember it more :)

.. but I'll just list it out:

-More bike camp
-More swimming
-More metal stamping
-Beautiful weather (too much for me... I got burned!)
-tie dying shirts
-More tball ... Seth's session ended on Wednesday.  We stayed afterwards for a bbq and let the kids play soccer and parents chatted till way past there bedtimes.
-Reptile Man visits ... Kids loved all the different reptiles he had to show.  Anaconda, crocodile, alligator, frilled lizard, gilla monster... and lots more.  Quite the selection!
-Pullman Fire fighter's read.  *I love this program.  It is such a great example for our kids, especially young boys, seeing men (there were unfortunately no female fire fighters reading this year) read and taking time out of their schedule to come and read to kids. There are not enough male examples for young children.

Today ... let me rephrase ... this afternoon ... we are relaxing.
Week 2 of summer vacation went by fast.


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