Week 3 ... thus far.

I can't remember Monday anymore... 
Tuesday was rainy so we hung out with bike camp: 
When there were moments of clear sky we would race outside (literally)

And we watched an old biking movie and did crafts when it was raining....

Wednesday was beautiful... I biked the kids down to Rainey park... swim team... met up with bike camp ...

I learned of a new trail!  It is like a secret garden ... I had no idea it was there... and it runs right along the river.  I was so disoriented I didn't know exactly where I was in Pullman, or what bridge we were under.
The kids had a blast making boats and floating them on the river.

Raya is so fearless. 

Thursday was a full day... and I really wish I had my camera.
We did a trial class at Palouse Empire Gymnastics for Raya. -- Incredibly, incredibly fun.  She was/(is) so cute!  I loved watching her climb her feet up the wall, summersaulting on an obstacle course... balance beam.  My favorite was Raya saying  "Ta-da"  after every exercise :).  We'll have to work it in our schedule, it was such a nice space too!

We went to the Moscow Library for the first time and stayed for their summer reading program activity.  The Palouse Discovery Science Center were demonstrating different experiments with light.

The rest of the day we spent at the Moscow Aquatic Center.

It was a fun day.
And kind'of long.

Have a mentioned that Jeff is TA'ing this summer?  Tuesday and Thursday he works 11-13 hour days, so he doesn't see the kids at night.  I try to wear them out on those days ;)


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