Lucky mom

I'm so lucky to be a mom to this:

 Seth is ready for swim team! ... I can't tell you how much these pictures make me happy.

Last day of school today... this picture epitomizes Seth.
-Tball hat (obsessed with baseball at the moment)
-Mariners shirt (more baseball) 
-Goofy grin
I just want to squish him he is so cute! AH!

First day of school photo found here

We hung out with Seth for his last day of school:
Field Day:  

We need to get a hula hoop.

Mrs. Stone and Seth... -- She is such a companssionate, fun teacher, we were lucky to have her as Seth's teacher!

Typical goofballs: Aaron and Seth

Class relay races: very exciting
I don't know how or why it happens... but people love to take care of Raya.
And she dutifully plays the role of "doll" very well -- she is so serious!
Raya and I have never met these girls before, but they fed her, walked her, played with her. What a perfect pet.
What a wonderful day to end Kindergarten .... and hello summer!


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