Two Peas in a Pod

I'm not sure if you're aware, but Seth and Levi are best friends. 

And I couldn't be happier.  It's something I've worried about and prayed for since I was pregnant with Seth. 

Suffice it to say that I am overwhelmingly overjoyed when I see Seth and Levi together.  It's what I really, really wanted.

Speaking of my boys ... couple of funny stories.  

The last couple of nights Seth and Levi have been staying up until NINE (we put them to bed at seven). There's a lot of thumping and giggling and singing, and Jeff and I just let them be in their own little world.  After a fairly large thump, however, I decided I should make sure that they were being safe.  I open their door, and to my surprise they had transformed their bedroom into a fort.  A cascade of blankets forming barricades on their beds, babies hiding, socks everywhere ... and a half naked Levi standing on his dresser with the most bewildered look of shock on his face.

"Levi!" I gasp...  In his surprise Levi scampers across his dresser and jumps into his bed with a huge thump.
Mystery solved.

The next morning cleaning up, making their beds, I was surprised to find more socks than originally anticipated.  When I asked Seth what they were doing with the socks he replied, "Oh, just planting socks." -- they were planting a sock garden.

"The boys" also have their own language.  Example, they both like to race and they make sure that their "chaungs" -- or arms in a ninety degree angle, are in position for running.  Apparently it makes them run faster.
Levi has a new game he likes to play -- locking mommy and daddy out of the house.  I've been able to catch him before his creeping little fingers are finally able to push the dead bolt into locked position, but Jeff was outside for quite sometime.   He had taken Levi's diaper out to the dumpster in the morning, Seth and I were still sleeping, and neither of us could hear him banging on the door.  Levi eventually woke Sethy up.  It was pretty funny; Jeff was in his red hot chili pepper pjs.


Karen said...

I love your kids. They are adorable! Two little cute but so much mischief (sigh).

Kate Clayton said...

Oh Rachael. You poor thing. A woman can only handle so much poop! As for the laundry, I am with you. I have folded three loads already with two to go. Ahhh...I think the piles grow while I am sleeping.

Cali said...

This is so funny.. yet so not funny! I think you're right, just periods of chaos, and peace. More often chaos though. Bless you for having 3.. I just can't picture that yet. They are adorable, and totally worth it. :)

Brad and Erica said...

We are potty training Annika and I am glad that I am not the only one whose life seems to revolve around bodily functions. I can't decide if cleaning up poop off the floor or having three kids in diapers is worse. Good thing your kids are so dang cute!

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