A couple quotes.

Jeff is singing, "I'm leaving.... on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again, oh baby I hate to gooooooo......"

Seth is in tears, flapping his arms like a little bird, "Daddy! Stop saying that, it makes me sad!"

-- this has happened twice with this song, what can I say?  Seth has a soul of a poet.


During Library Story hour the parents sing and clap to each child in the circle... example: "Hello Henry, Hello Henry, Hello Henry, We're glad you're here today!"

Jeff has recently finished reading The Hobbit to the boys, and ever since then their pretend play has followed the plot of that story: escaping from trolls, find the ring, defeating smog. -- Back to the library, so for Library Story Hour Levi insisted to the librarian that he was not Levi, but Thorin (the king of the dwarves in the Hobbit).  

A comical scene proceeded, "Hello Thorin, Hello Thorin, Hello Thorin, We're glad you're here today!"


While visiting with the childrens' great-grandparents,  Grandpa Horning was showing the kids his fake leg (old farming accident).  Levi was amazed that grandpa could detach his leg and then tried to detach his other.  After persistent, "be gentle's," he gave up on the non-fake leg and grabbed the detached leg and started walking out of the room."

"Levi? Where are you going??"
"I'm going to chop some wood!"


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