Car troubles continue...

I need to start this story with a forward:

Unknowingly (and unfairly) given a ticket.  Remember the time we got ran off the road? -- The cop gave us a ticket. -- Couldn't contest, couldn't get a hold of anyone, couldn't pay for it, charged  + $70 more for being unknowingly late, licensed revoked, paid an unknown sum online and hoped that it was correct, find out to reinstate license we needed to pay an additional... $70.  300+ dollars later Jeff has his license. Go to drive the car -- battery is dead, Jeff drains van battery trying to fix car's -- neighbor helps (thanks Laurel!). We are all done with car drama, right?!


 -- well, I could have died... been mangled... yada yada... k, not worst, but it was pretty lame.


I was metal stamping with my friend that lives out in the boondocks of Moscow late-ish.  At 11:00 I'm making my way back home .... and my car shuts down.  I'm in the middle of the road,  in the middle of no-where, no power, no headlights, -- No street lights!  It's foggy and I'm afraid vehicles behind wont be able to see the van... since my van has no power for emergency lights!

I try to get out of the van.  -- I can't, the door doesn't open, the window doesn't open; electric right?  I try and call Jeff -- no cell phone reception.  For a few moments I felt really trapped.

There was one door that opened, it just took me a few stunned minutes (that felt like forever!) -- Who would of thought it would be the electric side door?  I pried that open and called 911.

I didn't see what option I had.... there were no houses, no buildings, no lights, I was in the middle of the road -- and I was afraid of leaving my van unattended because a car behind would hit it! -- (the road is a hwy with cars traveling 55mph) ... The 4 mile walk to Moscow in the dark didn't seem that appealing either.

After 20 minutes I'm still talking with operators, though on the second tier of operators at Latah County, -- but -- hurray!  A vehicle passes through!

The man told me he could barely see me, I was using my cell phone light as my "emergency light" to slow him down. He was nice enough to park behind me and put his emergency lights on until I could get towed/etc.

Cops show up... fix battery... an hour later I am home.

I straight up asked the cop if he was going to give me a ticket, I didn't want anymore surprises!

What a lame story.



Kelli Dixon said...

Oh my! What a lame thing to happen... glad you are okay though!

Laurel said...

I would have freaked. I am so glad you got out of the car! Crazy!

Kate Clayton said...

Scary! I'm glad no one got hurt. How stressful!

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