week 1

Did Seth really just get out of school on Monday?  We sure did hit the ground running when it came to summer...  There is no way I can blog everything so; list:

-Swim Team 3x ... I really need to get a picture of Seth during swim team.  Seth's "warm up" is 300 yards.
-Tie Dye/Michaels/Craft craziness with 4 kids
-Metal Stamping ... I really need to take pictures of my pieces. I'm starting up a shop with my friend :) "Spirit and Steel"
-Skate Park
-Evening Bike Rides
-Library 3x this week.... and we saw a comedic juggler.  The kids were spell-bound by him.

... but what I wanted to come on and document that Seth made a blog this morning.  Jeff and I thought it would be a good way for him to get more familiar with the computer and practice typing.
His first post he copied is a quote by George Washington, I'm still laughing, it's so Seth!


That's "Seth is as fast as a cheetah" ... this kid.


Trista said...

Awesome about the blog! I've been thinking about seeing if Brook is interested in her own--she likes watching me update mine and always says, "Don't forget to put that on the blog." Etc. Fun!!

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