First Swim Meet

Seth's first swim meet was yesterday!!!!!!
(we were all just a little excited... just a little)

Seth was probably the youngest kid at the meet.
And he did great!

Levi was his biggest fan:
After each race Levi would put his arm around Seth and say, "Seth, you did great!"
Ah, my kids are adorable!

The kids were practicing their coaching skills.... timing the other Barracuda swimmers and yelling encouragement.

Reading between the races.  
Before the meet Levi, Rae and I went to a Book Sale.  
An elementary school teacher was selling 1,600 books.  I love books!

Pre-race picture with his race slip. ... He is starting to get muscle definition in his pecks; Seth is so cute!

Back Stroke:

This was the second heat for his age bracket.  He won by 5-6 seconds!  We were all amazed.  

I leaned over to Jeff during the meet and said, "We might be doing this for the next 16 years."
Let the new adventure start!


Jen said...

As a swimmer myself, this makes me so happy! Go Seth!

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