
I am doing an awful job at taking pictures this summer.... I don't think I took a picture of Seth's tball or Levi's tball... or their tennis lessons... or Levi's drama class -- the highlight of his summer, he is a natural performer! ... .. library programs... or just going to the pool or hiking, camping, wedding, little funny moments 

-- like when Raya ran off with Seth's friend (six), Jeff went to get her she said "They were having a private conversation" and basically that Jeff should leave!  She is two.  Ugh... she is too witty, beautiful,  for her own good, and the boys older friends are already chasing after her!  We are going to have our hands full.

   -- Seth won a 2nd place ribbon at his last swim meet and lost his seventh tooth. .

Today we went to... 
library (police officer's read)
swim team practice/picnic at park
swimming (Seth spent an hour and a half just going off the diving boards!  I loved seeing him stand in line for the high-dive.  He was the shortest by like 2 feet!)
sprinkler under trampoline

... and then I put the kids to "bed" at 6... really it's more like an extended quiet/reading time before bed.

Now, Jeff is gone for six days at a conference in Texas... 1 day down 5 more to go :) 


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