
I fit a lot in a day it's insane. -- and now we're gearing up to leave for a wedding tomorrow.

Quick jots:  Seth got a 3rd place ribbon for his butterfly stroke and a 6th place ribbon for back stroke.  I am amazed at the 3rd place finish... considering her learned the butterfly stroke hours before at swim team practice.

Wednesday... we had tennis... swim team... took everyone swimming... and tball.

Today ... gymnastics (fail, too full) ... Kharisma (girls were having a love-hate relationship today ;) ... Emerson and Elosie (failed playdate) ...  another swim meet.  Today was a bit challenging.  It ended up really enjoyable by the end.  I love swim meets!  Even if we don't get back until 9 and Jeff has lab so he can only make it for a little bit.

There was lightning at the end, and Seth wasn't able to do his last race.  He came home in tears.  I'm glad he loves swimming; but it's sad to see him so sad when he can't swim.

Tomorrow... pack'n it up for the west side.  A quick wedding weekend.  No rest for the weary!


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