
after I decided I was done having any more children ... I think I might have gone a bit wild with my new freedom of mobility.  (me + pregnant = slow and haughty)

... which is great in some regards... my kids have incredible endurance are extremely confident biking, swimming, soccer, etc etc ... I mean c'mon I have a 2 year old who goes down ramps at the skate park on her bike... 

but now it is time to refocus.  BOOKS -- it's time to get lost in them again.

Goals for the week:
Raya: Write her name and recognize some three letter words like "mom," and "dad" -- go over again sounds of letters. Learn about insects.
Levi: Work on reading.  Read 10 beginning to read books.  Go over continents.  Explore plants.
Seth:  Work on writing paragraphs.  Start journal.  Start math workbook.  Pick out chapter book to read. Pick out history book.


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