... this goal may be hard.

Tennis at 9:00
Swim team practice 12-1
Swim meet 3:30-7:30

I'm a stay at home mom... I don't get staying home though.  I would go crazy if I stayed home all day.  What do you do?? At least I refocused the kids playtime a bit... Seth worked on sentence structure today and practice writing (in general).  Levi showed me that he could write all of his letters, well. -- actually I'm pretty amazed at how good his penmanship is!  And worked on counting and writing letters with Rae... and revisiting signing the alphabet etc.

I'm hoping for more book time though ... maybe tomorrow?

Here's some pictures of Seth's second swim meet!!  He did great.  He is having fun, and continues to improve.  This swim meet felt like a festival!


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