
Where have the days gone?  -- I haven't really stopped moving until yesterday. -- then everything came to a halt.  ... like Jeff and I haven't done anything really all day... it's been awesome.  We woke up at 10am! I was so happy to sleep in and wake up on my own! It felt incredible.

So... I guess I'll back it up a bit... where was I? Jeff was in Texas and the kids and I were home.

6 days flew by... we had tball, tennis, swim practice, swim meets, drama class, library programs, track, friends, playdates, picnics, -- I love Pullman, everywhere we go we know someone so we were never lonely.

Some moments that stuck out:
-Levi loves drama class... he is such a natural actor! -- they decorated masks, Levi loved it... Raya, not so much.
-Raya is 75% potty trained... if we are home she does perfectly... when we go out, she tends to forget.
-Seth brought home a handful of ribbons from his swim meets.  He loves his little trinkets -- he'll lay them out and just look at them.
-Seth tried out a track team with his friend and he got to throw a javelin.
-Levi's reading has really taken off
-Raya's writing has really taken off ... she may be starting to read as well... I'll think about that in the winter, summer is meant for outdoors :)

On Tuesday... was the longest swim meet... we were there for 5 hours!  It actually wasn't bad, I just couldn't believe how long it was, ... and we skipped warm up and left early because there were not enough boys for Seth to compete in the relay... some families were there close to 7 hours. That is beyond crazy.

Anyways, Tuesday; Jeff, Jane and Todd all came to Pullman that night after the match ...
The next couple of days... More tennis, tball, swimming... etc. -- and the summer reading finale: Victor Johnson in the park!
Todd found an apartment
Jane left with the kids on Friday for a week

I have never been away from Raya... and I have only been away from the boys a handful of times... two of which were when I was in the hospital having another baby!

I was pretty sad... but Jeff took me to Michaels (he knows how to cheer me up! ;)... then the movies.... we went on an evening bike ride and ate sushi.

As much as I miss the kids, it is nice to hang out with just Jeff too :)

So that's life at the moment, blissfully doing nothing .... well, today at least.  I bargained with Jeff -- tomorrow we paint!

Picture dump.... I can't remember if I mentioned we went to a wedding ...

Go Levi!

She looks way too grown up in this picture..

 It's great to have close friends :)

Wrestling, swimming, playing, bug collecting during the waiting time between races

We stayed for a couple races on Thursday so grandma could see Seth swim :)

The kids like biking though the sprinkler... :)

I took the kids to the Muppets -- movie in the park.  I loved snuggling with the kids and eating popcorn under the stars.  I took a quick picture of us all loaded up when it was over.  We missed Jeff while he was gone, but we had some really sweet moments too when it was just me and the kids <3

The kids made walkie-talkies (this is 1/3) and pretended to talk to each other on them.... you can't see from the picture, but they made a stand so they could be propped up when put down.

Took the kids to Taco del Mar one evening, while Jeff was gon, for dinner... and to look at the 3D chalk painting... who would have guessed?  We would find friends... and spent 2 hours at the bridge :)

We spend our weekdays with Evan and Nina; we found it comical that we couldn't even be separated on the weekends :)

Victor Johhnson at the Park!  + free ice cream.  


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